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Hello there! Are you on the lookout for Google Ads courses that can help you enhance your skills on the platform or learn from the ground up?

You’re in the right place.

With over 10 years of experience in advertising and two successful courses registered and sold since 2018, along with their highly effective updates, I present to you PPC Academy® with Massimiliano Contessotto. It’s a professional training project that addresses the shortcomings of courses available in the industry:

Limited Availability in Italian: The scarcity of Google Ads training courses in Italian can be a significant barrier for those seeking specific skills, often forcing reliance on educational material in English. The lack of effective resources in one’s language can complicate the learning process and compromise the understanding and effectiveness of the course.

Incomplete Content: Many online Google Ads courses suffer from incomplete content. Some offer only superficial theoretical basics, while others are too advanced, creating difficulties for beginners. This imbalance can discourage students, making it challenging to apply theory to strategic actions.

Theoretical Focus Without Practical Examples: Often, Google Ads courses focus too much on theory, neglecting practical examples and case studies. This lack of practical context makes it challenging to apply acquired skills to real advertising campaign situations, limiting the usefulness of the learning path.

Lack of Real-time Updates with Google’s Latest Releases: It’s not uncommon to find Google Ads courses with outdated content, resulting in an obsolete strategy. Ignoring updates and new features can compromise the performance of advertising campaigns, as key opportunities might be missed, and available resources may not be fully utilized.

What is PPC Academy®?

PPC Academy® is a professional training project on Google Ads born out of the need to encompass both fundamental content for those approaching the platform for the first time and strategic content for those already involved in advertising, aiming to achieve optimal results for themselves and their clients. We are committed to creating the ultimate course in the industry in Italian, always updated, to help professionals grow in the field of Google Ads.

You will learn to create, optimize, and scale campaigns with method and expertise.

Who is PPC Academy® for?

Our Google Ads courses have been designed with the goal of making students self-sufficient in managing the accounts they operate and providing up-to-date content with the latest updates on Google’s advertising platform.

Our Google Ads Courses

PPC Academy® Pro

We worked on PPC Academy® Pro because we didn’t just want to make a complete course, but to make THE ultimate video course. A course that gives everyone the opportunity to learn the theoretical basics of Google Ads and at the same time consult practical examples of how the tool works and advanced Best Practices.

PPC Academy® Lite

After making PPC Academy® Pro, our comprehensive course in Google Ads, we decided to make PPC Academy® Lite an entry level course for anyone new to Google advertising.

I am Valerio Celletti, Certified Google Ads Consultant, trainer and Google Premier Partner. I have managed about 2 million euros in managed budgets since 2016, and my agency is recognized in the Top 3% in Italy. On Upwork, the leading freelancing platform in the world, I am Top Rated with over 70 completed projects and a 100% success rate. Want to learn more? Read my resume!

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